Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'm Giving In.....

So, I've always wanted to start a blog. I'm jealous of my friends that have them, even though I never read them unless they tell me to or if it's on their facebook status. I think that you should think I'm cool for starting a Blog, not lame.

I love Jesus, and I love talking about what all He is doing in my life. I'm at a place in my life where I am learning so much, and I'm reading and studying some cool stuff, and it excites me, so I'm always wanting to tell people about it...I used to write facebook notes sometimes, but I think those are lame. So, after much debate, I was like, ok I'll just start a blog since I like reading my friends blogs anyways when they tell me to or when they put it on their facebook status. I love sharing about things that I read or hear, so don't worry, it won't all be my words. I'm going to be honest with you, I'm kinda weird...and I say weird things sometimes, but that's me!

I'm not the best writer, so you will have to bare with me. I know that my life is going to be completely "on the go" after I graduate. I'm not going to know what will come next, and I think for once that doesn't stress me out..I'm just learning as I go. My heart is kinda all over the place. Everything I do, I'm like "ahhh I want to do that!" I'm waiting on some clear direction.I truly believe that if we can put aside our differences and come together then God can accomplish what HE wants to in this world and make it a better place. I want to see lives changed, as mine was an is continuing to...and I try to not let my selfishness get in the way of that. I struggle with finding a balance in that, and being too hard on myself when I do put myself before others. I also know that I can do and say some really mean things when I lose my focus on who I really am..and thats not good...but I hope that the Lord shines through my imperfections because I have a lot of them.

I am so blessed to have everything that I could ever need in life. But I also think that's a dangerous place to be in. I want to be more dependent on God. It's hard for me to be dependent on God while living in America. When I'm completely dependent on God, cool stuff happens. For the past couple of years I have seen myself living overseas, but I've finally seen the need in my own backyard. They need hope and love. If I had to pick three areas that I'm most interested in it would be:
1)human trafficking, which is taking away the innocence of 27 million people in the world RIGHT NOW, mostly innocent children
So do you know any opportunities for after I graduate? If you do, and if you could hook me up then I would love you forever

I have the best friends and family in the world. God always provides, and they have brought me so much happiness. I'm surrounded by some incredible people. I have a great church family too....one that is open to being obedient to God in order to change lives, and being open to doing different things in order to help those who need hope, love, and help in Statesboro...and it's cool to be around families that I can look up to and learn life toghether...if that makes sense.

If I tell you anymore then I won't have anything to write about in this journal blog thingy...You may not even read this blog, but maybe it will encourage you? and I hope it does. and He says to make known among the nations what He has done. (psalm 105) So I think that makes this blog justifiable.

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